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How to install OpenCart

  • 1

    Download OpenCart

    The latest version of OpenCart can be downloaded from the OpenCart website (recommended)

  • 2

    Upload files to your server

    Upload to your web server established and the OpenCart archive extracted. We will now use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client to upload these uncompressed files to a web server.

  • 3

    Run automatic installer

    Goto the OpenCart location and it will install automatically.

Other download options


Clone the latest OpenCart version from GitHub. Visit repository.


Install OpenCart on your server via Softaculous. Learn more.

Download OpenCart in Amazon Web Services. Learn more.

Paypal Blog
Opencart Cloud


These are minimum requirements needed so that OpenCart can be installed and work properly.

  • Web Server (Apache suggested)
  • PHP (at least 5.4)
  • Curl enabled
  • Database (MySQLi suggested)

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