1.4.7 is available to download!
- Coupon discount taking more than the product total. Now matches max product total
- "Total" order total module allowed negative totals if discounts exceeded total. Now stops at 0
- Several language duplicates removed
- Some city names updated in sql
- Fixed potential filemanager while loop error with readdir (Based on php.net's recommendation)
- Fixed sagepay array for FailureURL
- Fixed weight based shipping not supporting 0 cost
- Fixed document $styles and $scripts on header.tpl to properly support the correct options
- Shifted the shipping POST check to avoid reloading rate request when going to the payment page and not using quote session check
- Cleaned up field size inconsistencies with email length between the validation checks and the db
- Fixed login link to correct "&" vs "&";
- Account approve not allowing logins for existing customers
- Fixed Google Sitemap xml error to correct "&" vs "&";
- Sort by price converting to string issue
- store_url duplication in customer approval email
- Fixed typo in customers "awating" approval function names
- Fixed typo in order model for "notifiy" in the update function
- Fixed incorrect Customers Awaiting Approval count on admin dashboard
- Removed unsafe dompdf.php class file from the dompdf library (support files still intact and safe)
- Universal Upgrade Script (supports upgrades as far back as v1.3.0)
- Added setting language from url ...route=common/home&language=de
- Added setting currency from url ...route=common/home¤cy=USD
- Added Product Tag table and added search support in tags.
- Category Status in admin (per-category)
- Information Status in admin (per-item)
- Country Status in admin
- Zone status in admin
- Shipping Quote Session option in admin
- Added version constant at the top of the startup.php file to allow programmatic usage
- Added page warning on pages with multi-tabs to show error at top instead of just the field errors so it is clear
- Items per page for admin rows configurable via admin
- Items per page for catalog items configurable via admin (per store)
- Show Weight on Cart page option in admin (per store)
- Latest Module
- Specials Module
- Featured Module
- Disable coupon order total will also disable coupon entry box on front end
- Persist original route if login required
- Disabling language removes requirement from need for entry in admin
- Thickbox agree terms on checkout and create
- Added Model Search checkbox on Advanced Search
- Added Popular Products model function (Order by Viewed) for future use.
- Added $product_info array to the product to make echoing additional fields easier
- Improved order data return without double processing/subset
- Added support for common base product discount pricing
- Added Improved language support. Fallback to English for missing entries to avoid fatal errors over missing language file
- All 1.4.6 compatible mods should work with this version
- No class changes or removals were made.
- Be sure to read the new upgrade.txt file before trying the new auto-upgrade script.
http://opencart.googlecode.com/files/op ... v1.4.7.zip
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